Worm, a new floating window manager written in Rust

| 1 min read


Worm is a brand new floating window manager for X11 written in Rust by codic12.

It's still in an early testing stage, but it's an intriguing wm afterall. While worm is currently a floating window manager, it's planned to gain tiling ability. Worm uses tags instead of workspaces, which is a concept borrowed from DWM. A tag can contain different windows, and a window can belong to different tags. However, currently worm does not support having more than one tag on a window or viewing more than on tag at a time.


Build from source

# Build with cargo git clone https://github.com/codic12/worm cd worm
cargo build --release

# After building, copy the binary files to your PATH
sudo cp target/release/{worm,wormc} /usr/bin/

# If you are using a display manager, copy the desktop entry file to the
xsessions directory
sudo cp assets/worm.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/

Use AUR package

yay -S worm-git



Worm will execute the file '.config/worm/autostart' on startup, which is supposed to be an executable shell script. An example is here.


Since worm does not have a build-in keyboard mapper, a hotkey daemon like sxhkd is needed. An example sxhkdrc is here.